Use Cases

The main focus of IoT4CPS will be on developing, producing and operating components and applications for Automated Driving. In this domain, a large part of the value chain will be covered. As the design and production of these components requires a high degree of integration and information exchange along the life cycle, the methods and tools investigated are also highly relevant within the general Smart Production use case. Within this secondary use case, however, not the full value chain, but rather a limited subset which is linked to the first use-case, will be considered. Both use cases will integrate the results from the research oriented work packages and integrate them in industrial prototypes to show-case their applicability and generate experience regarding their real world application.
This convergence of industry 4.0 and autonomous driving shall result in a competitive advantage for the Austrian region with respect to the development, validation and instrumentation of innovation components and solutions for connected and autonomous vehicles and their application in smart production environments in general.


Applications in Automated Driving Applications in Industry 4.0