If HTTPS Were Secure, I Wouldn’t Need 2FA” – End User and Administrator Mental Models of HTTPS
Katharina Krombholz (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), Karoline Busse (Bonn University), Katharina Pfeffer (SBA Research), Matthew Smith (Bonn University / FhG FKIE), Emanuel von Zezschwitz (Bonn University / FhG FKIE)
An Open Source Approach to the Design and Implementation of Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing
Damjanovic-Behrendt, W. Behrendt
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Special Issue on Cyber Physical Systems with Applications in Production and Logistics. 2018 (impact factor 2017: 1.995).
A Roadmap Toward the Resilient Internet of Things for Cyber-Physical Systems
Denise Ratasich, Faiq Khalid, Florian Geißler, Radu Grosu, Muhammad Shafique, Ezio Bartocci
IEEE Access, 2019
From the Internet of Things to the Internet of Trust
A Digital Twin Architecture for Security, Privacy and Safety
V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, ERCIM News No. 115, Special Issue “Digital Twins”. October 2018.
Robustness for Smart Cyber Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things; From Adaptive Robustness Methods to Reliability and Security for Machine Learning
Florian Kriebel, Semeen Rehman, Muhammad Abdullah Hanif, Faiq Khalid, Muhammad Shafique
IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) 2018
The Future of Industrial Communication: Automation Networks in the Era of the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0
Martin Wollschlaeger, Thilo Sauter, Juergen Jasperneite
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine
A Digital Twin-based Privacy Enhancement Mechanism for the Automotive Industry
Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt, 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS): Theory, Research and Innovation in Applications. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2018, pp. 272 – 279. DOI: 10.1109/IS.2018.8710526.
Intelligent Security Measures for Cyber-Physical System
Muhammad Shafique, Faiq Khalid and Semeen Rehman
Euromicro DSD 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
Self-Healing by Property-Guided Structural Adaptation
Denise Ratasich, Thomas Preindl, Konstantin Selyunin, Radu Grosu
ICPS 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia
Automotive meets ICT – enabling the shift of value creation supported by European R&D
Eric Armengaud, Bernhard Peischl, Peter Priller, Omar Veledar
SIA CESA 2018, Versailles, France
Automatically Determining a Network Reconnaissance Scope Using Passive Scanning Techniques
Stefan Marksteiner, Bernhard Jandl-Scherf, Harald Lernbeiß
Fourth International Congress on Information and Communication Technolog 2019 London, UK.
Adaptive Fault Detection exploiting Redundancy with Unvertainties in Space and Time
Denise Ratasich, Michael Platzer, Radu Grosu, Ezio Bartocci
SASO 2019, Umea, Sweden
Digital Twins for Dependability Improvement of Autonomous Driving
Omar Veledar, Violeta Damjanovic-Behrendt, Georg Macher,
26th EuroSPI Conference
EuroAsiaSPI 2019, 18.-20.9.2019, Edinburgh, Scotland
Requirements and Recommendations for IoT/IIoT Models to automate Security Assurance Through Threat Modelling, Security Analysis and Penetration Testing
Ralph Ankele, Stefan Marksteiner, Kai Nahrgang and Heribert Vallant
ARES & CD-MAKE 2019, Canterbury, UK
Safety and Security of IoT-based Solutions for Autonomous Driving: Architectural Perspective
O. Veledar, G. Macher, V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, S. Jaksic, Ch. Thomos, Ch. Schmittner, K. Diwold, L. Happ Botler, E. M. Holzer, E. Armengaud, K. Roemer, M. Drobics, IMBSA 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
Feistels Structures for MPC, and More
M. R. Albrecht, L. Grassi, L. Perrin, S. Ramacher, Ch. Rechberger, D. Rotaru, A. Roy, M. Schofnegger, ESORICS 2019, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Integrating Threat Modeling and Automated Test Case Generation into Industrialized Software Security Testing
S. Marksteiner, R. Ramler, H. Sochor, CECC 2019, Munich, Germany
We’ve got the power: Overcoming the distance enlargement fraud with wireless power transfer
L. Botler, K. Diwold, K. Römer, WPTC 2019, London, UK
E-SALDAT: Efficient Single-Anchor Localization of Dual-Antenna Tags
L. Botler, K. Diwold, K. Römer; WPNC 2019, Bremen, Germany
CPSDebug: An Automatic Failure Explanation in CPS Models
E. Bartocci, N. Manjunath, L. Mariani, C. Mateis, D. Nickovic; Special Issue for the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Springer
System Log Clustering Approaches for Cyber Security Applications: A Survey
Landauer M., Skopik F., Wurzenberger M., Rauber A., Elsevier Computers & Security
A Digital Twin Prototype for Product Lifecycle Data Management
C. Schranz, F. Strohmeier, and V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Cyber Physical Systems Concerns and Applications (IEEE CPS’CAPP 2020), in conjunction with the 17th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2020), November 02-05 2020, Antalya, Turkey (virtual conference).
Deterministic Time-Series Joins for Asynchronous High-Throughput Data Steams
C. Schranz and P.M. Jeremias, Work in Progress Paper, 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (IEEE ETFA 2020), September 08-11, 2020, Vienna Austria (virtual conference).
Automated Security Test Generation for MQTT Using Attack Patterns
Hannes Sochor, Flavio Ferrarotti and Rudolf Ramler (Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria), ARES & CD-MAKE Conference, August 25-28, Vienna Austria.
An Architecture for Automated Security Test Case Generation for MQTT Systems. Hannes Sochor, Flavio Ferrarotti, Rudolf Ramler, In International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), Springer, CCIS vol 1285, pp. 48-62, 2020.
Exploiting MQTT-SN for Distributed Reflection Denial-of-Service Attacks. Hannes Sochor, Flavio Ferrarotti, Rudolf Ramler, In International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications(DEXA), Springer, CCIS vol 1285, pp. 74-81, 2020.
A semi-supervised approach for network intrusion detection. Radoslava Svihrova, Christian Lettner, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’20), ACM, pp. 1-6. August 2020.
CCA-Secure (Puncturable) KEMs from Encryption with Non-Negligible Decryption Errors
Valerio Cini, Sebastian Ramacher, Daniel Slamanig, Christoph Striecks (all AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2020
Bloom Filter Encryption and Applications to Efficient Forward-Secret 0-RTT Key Exchange
David Derler (DFINITY), Kai Gellert (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Tibor Jager (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Daniel Slamanig (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Christoph Striecks (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Journal of Cryptology 2020
Fine-Grained Forward Secrecy: Allow-List/Deny-List Encryption and Applications
David Derler (DFINITY), Sebastian Ramacher (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Daniel Slamanig (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Christoph Striecks (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2021